We supply High Quality Frozen foods - Wholesale and Retail

Fresh Turkey

Fresh Turkey

Do you need fresh and high quality full turkey meat in bulk or Retail? You have come to the right place
Wholesale & Retail

Wholesale & Retail

We supply high quality frozen meat to all the 16 regions in Ghana and beyond.
High Quality Sea Foods

High Quality Sea Foods

Order your fresh and High Quality fish from all our branch

Welcome Message from CEO

My name is Mercy Nimako-Mensah the the CEO of PTL Co Ltd, on behalf of the board of directors and entire PTL team, I am very happy to welcome you to the official Potters Touch Legacy website where all information pertaining this noble company resides.
The company serves the best interests of all our clients, partners and the larger society for the general good of mankind. We are a fast-growing organization with diverse global outreach in terms of commodity trade and business where we solicit the best products and services and bring to the doorsteps of our adorable clients at competitive cost. Once again welcome and have a scan through what we are and do on our website

Mercy Nimako-Mensah


Potters Touch Legacy

PTL is a company registered under the company law of Ghana limited by liability.

It’s wholly owned by Mrs. Mercy Nimako-Mensah and functions under the policy guidelines of knowledgeable professionals serving as board of Directors


Tema Fishing Harbour, Afko Junction, Ghana.

233 (0) 208 196 512


233 (0) 550 002 440

Mon - Sat: 7:00 - 18:00

Our Brands